715-532-2604 | Mon-Friday 10am-6pm, Sat 10-1pm ladysmithpl@ladysmithpl.org
Clay Craft

Clay Craft

On Saturday, March 15th, the library will be hosting Clay Craft!  Held in the lower level of the library, Clay Craft is all about air dry clay. Come and make your own creation at any time between 10:30am-12pm . All materials will be provided. Free and fun for all...
Cookbook Club | SOUP

Cookbook Club | SOUP

On Sunday, March 30th at 2:30pm, we will meet in the lower level of the Library (East room) for a SOUPER good time! Make your best soup recipe and bring it to our meeting to share with other cooks and of course, try some soups made by other local cooks. This is a...